
Summer Reading Program June 1st-August 4th

Join us for an amazing adventure at the library! Our Summer Reading program is bigger than ever. Register online, through the bookmobile, or pick up a paper reading log. Join the challenge to read throughout the summer, earn cool prizes, and attend fun events.

The Malvern-Hot Spring County Library offers a program during the summer months to encourage children to read. Register online, through the Bookmobile, or pick up a paper reading log. Inspire and motivate children to read throughout the summer, earn cool prizes, and pick them up at our Library.

The Library offers a variety of programs, for all ages, in addition to the rewards program. For each 100 minutes you read, receive a ticket into the grand prize drawings. One prize per age group. Destination prize packages include: Attraction tickets, gas cards, and lunch gift card.

Reading Rewards Program

The Summer Reading Rewards Program is open to ages 0 to 99 and goes from June 1 to August 4. However, it’s not to late to sign up! Earn prizes by recording how many minutes/books you read, are read to, or listen to an audio-book.  Pick up reading material at the library.

How to Register

Option 1: First, register Online through Read Squared, or download the app on your device and search for Mid Arkansas Regional Library System.

Option 2: Stop by the library and pick up a paper reading log! Logs are due August 4.

How to Earn Prizes

Record the title of the book and how many minutes read, as little or as frequently as desired.  Our Pre-K program for 0-4 years tracks by using books read (ex. 10 books=100 points)

  • Age Groups-
  • 0-4 100 points=10 books
  • 5-7 100 points=10 books
  • 8-11 100 points=100 minutes
  • 12-18 100 points=100 minutes
  • adults 100 points=100 minutes

The more you read, the more prizes you can win! 

Summer Events

*Click here to see our events and register for events and/or summer supply bags. Registration opens two weeks prior to the event.  All programs and events offered by the library are free.

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