
Research Databases

Traveler Databases

Database List by Subject
Bibliographies & Indexes / Business & Law / Current Events (Newspapers & Magazines) / eBooks /Educator Resources / Environment / Foreign Language-Espanol / General Reference / Health & Medicine/ History & Military / Jobs & Employment /  Journals & Scholarly Articles  / Library & Information Science/  Primary Source Materials / Student Resources – Elementary & Middle School / Student Resources –Junior High and Older

Bibliographies & Indexes

Business & Law
Business Source Elite (EBSCO)
Legal Collection (EBSCO)
Regional Business News (EBSCO)

Current Events (Newspapers & Magazines)
MasterFILE Premier  (EBSCO)
Newspaper Source (EBSCO)
TOPICsearch  (EBSCO)

EBSCO eBooks Collection  170+ non-fiction titles
Gale Virtual Reference Library  Reference ebooks

Educator Resources
Professional Development Collection (EBSCO)
Teacher Reference Center [TRC]  (EBSCO)


Foreign Language – Espanol
EBSCO Espanol
EBSCOWeb directions and search aides in Spanish language that are produced by machine.
The search results are in English.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

General Reference
Early World of Learning (World Book)
Funk & Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO)
World Book Advanced (School Libraries)

World Book Kids
World Book Online for Kids (School Libraries)
World Book Online Info Finder
World Book Online Reference

World Book Student (School Libraries)

Health & Medicine
Consumer Health Complete (EBSCO)
Health Source: Consumer Edition (EBSCO)
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO)

History & Military
African-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Indian Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Mosaic Suite (ABC-Clio)
Latino-American Experience (ABC-Clio)

Jobs & Employment
Vocational & Career Collection (EBSCO)

Journals & Scholarly Articles
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)

Library & Information Science
Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) (EBSCO)
Professional Development Collection (EBSCO) designed for professional educators

Primary Source Materials
African-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Indian Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Mosaic Suite (ABC-Clio)
Latino-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
World Book Advanced (School Libraries)
World Book Online Reference Center

Student Resources –Elementary & Middle School
Early World of Learning (World Book)
Kids Search (EBSCO) searches of Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Newspaper
Source, TOPICSearch, EBSCO Animals, & Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia together
Middle Search  (EBSCO)
Primary Search (EBSCO)
Searchasaurus (EBSCO)   access to Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Encyclopedia of
Animals, a general dictionary and encyclopedia in a single search
World Book Kids
World Book Student

Student Resources –  Junior High  and Up
African-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
American Indian Experience (ABC-Clio)
Latino-American Experience (ABC-Clio)
Discovering Collection (Gale)
MAS Ultra School Edition (EBSCO)  magazines and reference materials
Middle Search  (EBSCO)
Student Research Center (EBSCO) simultaneous searching of  Middle Search Plus,
MAS Ultra School Edition, Newspaper Source, TOPICSearch and Health Source –
Consumer Edition
World Book Advanced

ABC-Clio Databases

ABC-Clio Platform Unified search platform for all 12 ABC-Clio databases including: American Government, American History, Health and Wellness Issues, Pop Culture Universe, the African American Experience, the American Indian Experience, the Latino American Experience, United States Geography, World Geography, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, and World History: The Modern Era.

American Government (ABC-Clio) Unified search platform for all 12 ABC-Clio databases including: American Government, American History, Health and Wellness Issues, Pop Culture Universe, the African American Experience, the American Indian Experience, the Latino American Experience, United States Geography, World Geography, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, and World History: The Modern Era.

American History (ABC-Clio) Surveys American history from the Colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation’s rise to eminence as a global superpower. Analyzes American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture.

American Mosaic: The African American Experience (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.

American Mosaic: The American Indian Experience (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules related to Native American history and culture; includes articles, essays, and primary documents.

American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules related to Latin American studies; includes country profiles, biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.

Health and Wellness Issues (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules that cover today’s top health-related issues that impact physical and mental well-being.

Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules that cover important issues in today’s world, such as crime and justice, education, environmental sustainability and other timely cultural and societal topics.

Pop Culture Universe (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules covering history through books, fashion, film, food, music, sports, technology, media, transportation, travel, and more.

School Library Connection (Libraries Unlimited) Learning resource center for school library professionals. Includes self-paced professional learning and curriculum resources to support teaching and professional development.

United States Geography (ABC-Clio) Includes profiles on all 50 U.S. states, providing information on the government, economy, history, and issues of each.

World Geography (ABC-Clio) Includes learning modules focused on worldwide geographic, political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural aspects.

World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules covering prehistory through the beginning of the Renaissance, this resource explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, empires, and regions of the ancient and medieval world.

World History: The Modern Era (ABC-Clio) Includes student learning modules covering the history of the world from 1500 to the present. Includes topics such as the evolution of modern Europe since the Renaissance, developments in Asia, Africa, and the Islamic world; the Industrial Revolution, revolutions in France and Latin America, World Wars I and II, growing global powers, and more.

Available at the public libraries:

World Book Online for Kids
World Book Online Info Finder
World Book Online Reference

Genealogy Databases

Heritage Quest
Ancestry (Library Use Only)
Ancestry Option 2 Access
Fold 3
National Archives

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